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Humanitarian Assistance Program (HAP) provides cash and In-kind assistance to natural disaster affected/displaced population across Afghanistan. IOM is actively engaged in developing winterization strategy that aims to assist the most vulnerable population (conflict/natural disaster IDPs, returnees and other vulnerable groups) in winter. IOM in-line with cluster winterization strategy, initiated winterization assistance to the vulnerable families in Herat Province and assisted 1502 families with the provision of cash for winterization.


Community Response Map visualizes the feedback collected and helps assess current and future needs of the most vulnerable population to better inform project interventions.


Herat Cash for Winterization Assistance - Post Distribution Monitoring Jan 2019

Kunduz Cash for Winterization Assistance
- Post Distribution Monitoring July 2019

IOM in-line with cluster winterization strategy, initiated winterization assistance to the vulnerable families in Kunduz and assisted 2,648 families with the provision of cash for winterization and blankets. The distribution of assistance was followed by Post Distribution Evaluation (PDM).


Multi Sector Rapid Assessment

The Rapid Assessment Form (RAF) is the common rapid assessment tool for collecting purposeful, actionable and specific information on disaster-affected populations. The RAF captures age and gender information about the affected population, existing local capacity of the affected population and government, critical vulnerabilities and sector-specific needs.
