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Post Distribution Monitoring and Evaluation (PDME) of cash for winterization and NFI- March-2021 (SN.100)

Under the Humanitarian Assistance Program (HAP), the project funded by USAID/BHA distributes relief assistance (Blanket and Winter Clothing Modules) and Cash for Winterization to IDPs and other vulnerable population. During the project implementation (November-2020 to July-2021), Natural Disaster affected/displaced families, Conflict affected/displaced families were assisted through Cash for Winterization and relief assistance (Blanket and Winter Clothing Modules) . In line with the project needs, of the 14047 families who received cash for winterization, IOM conducted PDME of the 15% assisted population to understand effectiveness, efficiency of the CBI and shape future programming on the basis of these findings. The PDME was conducted between (March-2021 to June-2021)